Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sweet Taters vs Butternut Squash

So we started off with sweet potatoes for Brendan's first tasty solid (not counting rice cereal as tasty). He was a little unsure of the texture, but sort of got the hang of it by Saturday. On Saturdays is when we introduce something new and this Saturday it was butternut squash. He loved it!! I was so surprised. I thought for sure he would like sweet taters more, but he gobbled up the butternut squash. Yesterday he at everything that was in his bowl. Granted I'm only giving him a little over a tablespoon, but they say at first they won't eat more than a teaspoon and he's finishing a tablespoon! Such a big boy!! This Saturday, bananas! I really hope he likes them. If so I will start adding them to his rice cereal. He doesn't care to eat rice cereal out of a bowl. He like it much more in his bottle than anything else. Hoping if he likes bananas I can mash them in there and he'd like that more at breakfast time. I'll let you know what he thinks ;)

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